Community Passover Seder 5784
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 • 15 Nisan 5784
6:00 PM - 10:00 PMSocial HallPlease join us on Tuesday April 23rd at 6:00pm for our Community Seder in the CAA Social Hall led by Rabbi Alex Matthews
Please bring your family and encourage guests. The more the merrier.
Gefilte Fish
Chicken Soup with Matzah Balls
Roasted Potatoes
Roasted Vegetables
Garden Salad
Dessert with Tea
Vegetarian option available
Each table will have its own Seder Plate and bring your own Kosher for Passover wine or grape juice
New item on the seder plate: Ashkenazi and Sephardic charoset!
Adults: Members $36, Non-Members $50
Children (ages 7-13): Members $20, Non-Members $25
Children 6 and under: Free
Members only registration prior to March 29, then open to all. Please make sure that you are logged in to complete this transaction.
Register early - we have a maximum of 120 people.
There will be a $5 per person surcharge after April 9
Volunteers are needed during the week preceding the seder and for cleanup.
To volunteer please email Barrie Paster at
Sorry, Registration has ended.
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